
The chapel is located to the side of the italian garden.

The building was commenced in 1566 by Alamanno dei Pazzi and it was completed in 1583 by his son Girolamo dei Pazzi.

In 1728 the oratory was dedicated to Santa Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi in accordance with her canonization in 1669.

When she was young she stayed in the Villa Pazzi al Parugiano and here, according to tradition, she experience her first ecstasy.

Santa Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi was one of the holiness that more influenced the religious sensitivity of Florence in 1600 and she was been celebrated amongst the most important holy citizens.

To this day, every year in the day of her death, on May 25th the Holy Mass is celebrated in her honor in the chapel of the villa.

Other stages

The open spaces, the park, the Italian garden, the orangery, the covered loggia, the cellars, the chapel, its many statues and fountains the several hallsand above all the huge hall with 7 meter high ceilings, make Villa Pazzi al Parugiano the ideal location to make the most of your exclusive event in Tuscany so that it represents a unique and unforgettable moment for you and for your guests.